Saturday 2 November 2013

Well, I guess it's time for me to say goodbye.

I hate this. I've always hated goodbyes. And I'll come back and stuff... just not for long. And not for a very long time.
I leave on Monday, but today is my last day with a computer. So I just wanted to say some things to each of you.

Scarlet; I haven't really talked to you much, but you seem like a friendly and intelligent person. It was nice to meet you.

Selena; You're bubbly and optimistic and kind. The internet could do with more people like you. I haven't seen you in a while, but I hope you're okay, because you were friendly and I liked you.

Cali; You are a great Grand Mage. You may be the youngest on here, but you're more mature than any of us and always have a kind word to say. Out of all the people on here except Saph, you're probably the one I know and respect the most. You're a natural leader and a genuinely good person. (Translation; you're awesome.)

Saph; Oh, crap. I don't want to say goodbye to you. I know it's not forever, but it's hard to keep a best friend when you can only talk once every few months. I'm gonna miss you like hell.
I love you like a little sister. I don't know how the hell we ended up friends, but I'm glad we did. You're the best person I've ever met; kind and smart and funny and stubborn and I really don't want to say goodbye. But if I don't do it now, I don't think I'll be able to.
Love you, Sapphy. Good luck with whatever happens to you. And publish your songs, for God's sake. They're amazing.

So, I'll be on here all night, and a lot of the day. But I don't think I'll post again.


  1. OH goodbye Alex :( sorry I haven't been on here in ages, I have been so busy and I know you probably won't see this comment but goodbye anyway

  2. Also, it's a shame I didn't get to know you more :( or anyone on here actually, I sort of vanished without warning but I just had lots going on.
