Friday 1 November 2013

Halloween, War, and Alex.

Happy Halloween! Everyone still alive? Yes? It was a close call for me. But I survived the vicious pillow fights and horror movies!
However, I'm still cowering in shame. Cali's class beat mine in PE today.
This means war >:D

Oh yeah, I had an idea. Seeing as we need more people to be detectives and things, why don't we all create an OC?

Finally, something a bit sadder. Tomorrow is Alex's last day on the blog. He's already told me he doesn't want long messages, but I just have to say this; We'll miss you so, so much. I'm glad I met you, and good luck with wherever you go. You'll always be welcome back here.
Maybe your family can suck sometimes, but friends are your chosen family. No matter what happens, you've got us.

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. *hugs* I know, Saph. Friends are your chosen family. *Muses* I like that quote.
